Interior details and decoration in the kitchen

If you ask us, it's the little things that make the biggest difference in the end when it comes to truly bringing out your personal style in your home.

In this article, we have collected our best tips on how to decorate your kitchen with kitchen accessories and beautiful details to enhance your home and kitchen.

Place your bowls and cutting boards on display.

By grouping decorations in still life, you avoid it feeling messy.

Interior with still life

We all small knic-knacks or design objects that mean a little extra to us and that deserves to take their place in the home and be seen. Maybe it's a jug you found at a flea market during your vacation, or a cast iron pot you received as a gift? Whatever you hold dear, place it visibly and preferably together with other beautiful objects in a still life. And best of all, when you want to renew your interior, you can easily replace one or more items and the interior feels like new again. Smart and good for both the environment and the wallet!

Our display cabinets can be made in several different designs, colors and dimensions can be completely adapted to your wishes.

A glass cabinet is a beautiful feature in the kitchen while being practical.

Site-built display cabinet

A site-built display cabinet is always a beautiful detail that lifts the kitchen or dining room and is practical for those who need space for highly visible storage. Thanks to the glass cabinet doors, you can display your favorite tableware or any other decorations that you love.

Hidden grab bar is the perfect choice for those who want a minimalistic expression but still want something to grab onto.

Handle in oak matched in the same design as cabinets and drawers.

Knobs and handles

One of the things that enhances and lifts the whole feeling of your kitchen is the choice of knobs and handles. If you long for a country feel, porcelain knobs can be an option. If, instead, you want to achieve a calm feeling in the kitchen where doors and drawers give a smooth, minimalist impression, a choice could be not to have knobs or handles at all. Do you want handles but prefer a more discreet option? Then choose a handle in the same material and design as the rest of the kitchen. Think about how you want your kitchen to be experienced purely in terms of appearance, but also functionally and then listen to that intuition.

Read our guide on how to choose the right handles and knobs for your kitchen.

Open storage gives the impression of a more space in the room.

Open shelving is a true detail in it self.

Floating shelf

One of our most popular kitchen accessories is the floating shelf which, thanks to its clever assembly, does not require any visible brackets. Without the visible fittings, the room has a lovely spaciousness, and the eye is instead drawn to the details. A beautiful and practical way to decorate your kitchen without upper cabinets.

Read our best tips for how to decorate with open storage.

Our drawer interior in solid wood creates a beautiful expression.

Pocket door cabinet, a cabinet with doors that smoothly slide in and are hidden in compartments next to the cabinet.

The inside counts

It's easy to forget to prioritize the inside of the kitchen. For example, the interior of the drawers. If you ask us, the inside of the kitchen is just as important as the outside of the kitchen. We spend a lot of our time in the kitchen and as a result also use the kitchen's various functions several times a day. That's when function and details make the biggest difference. Built-in cutlery inserts, deep drawers that fit large frying pans and pots or pocket-door cupboards where you choose for yourself when you want it open to show your beautiful details or closed for a more sober whole.

Read more about the smart Pocket door cabinet.

See more kitchen inspiration

Hannah Petersson